4th of July Sponsors
Event Sponsorship: $1,000
Saint-Gobain Norpro
Entertainment Sponsorship: $750
The Walmart Community Grants Team & Facility #4183
Concessions Sponsorship: $500
H-E-B (Tejas Center, Bryan)
Children’s Games and Prizes Sponsorship: $500
Snow Cone Sponsor: $750
MDU Resources Foundation/Knife River
Heritage Level
Bill and Colleen Batchelor
Randy Haynes
Judge Tom and Caroline McDonald
John and Ginger Lenihan
Bookman and Florence Peters
Mervin and Annette Peters
Randy and Stephanie Hilliard
Fred and Shirley DuPriest
Bob and Eva Read-Warden
Business Level
Made in the Shade (Amanda Krotulski)
Preserving the past for future generations.
Our Vision
The Brazos Heritage Society will serve as the premier resource for fostering public awareness of Brazos County’s rich history and valuable historic resources through strategic partnerships, community outreach, and high-quality educational materials.
Our Mission
The Brazos Heritage Society is dedicated to preserving the cultural heritage of Brazos County, specifically to identify, document, and preserve the architecture and historical context of Brazos County; promote the community’s appreciation of its history through advocacy and educational programs; combat the deterioration of older parts of our community through education, advocacy, and special projects.